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24. Sumio SHINODA, Hiroshi OHNOGI, Tomonori TANAKA, Shin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA, Masakuni TANAKA, Hisayoshi IKATSU. Distribution of tributyltin in water environments and its biodegradation. Proceedings of the Third Asian Symposium on Academic Activity for Waste Management;170-177(1997)

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29. Hisayoshi IKATSU, Naoko KAWAHARA, Yasuhiro KINO, Sin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA and Sumio SHINODA. Biodegradation of hazardous chemicals by bacterial cytochrome P450. Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Symposium on Academic Activity for Waste Management;77-83

30. Naoko KAWAHARA, Hisayoshi IKATSU, Hiroshige KAWATA, Shin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA and Sumio SHINODA. Purification and characterization of 2-ethoxyphenol-induced cytochrome P450 from Corynebacterium sp. strain EP1. Canadian Journal of Microbiology;45:833-839(1999)

31. Hiroshige KAWATA, Chizuko NAKAYAMA, Miwa SAKAMOTO, Hisayoshi IKATSU, Shin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA and Sumio SHINODA. Isolation of dichloromethane-degrading bacteria from drainage water. Journal of Health Science; 46:187-191(2000)

32. Hisayoshi IKATSU, Yasuhiro KINO, Naoko KAWAHARA, Masaco ADACHI, Hiroshige KAWATA, Shin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA and Sumio SHINODA. Isolation and characterization of cytochrome P450-producing bacteria from various environments. Biocontrol Science;5:111-116(2000)

33. Hisayoshi IKATSU, Hiroshige KAWATA, Chizuko NAKAYAMA, Shin-ichi MIYOSHI, Ken-ichi TOMOCHIKA and Sumio SHINODA. Dichloromethane-Degrading Properties of Bacteria Isolated from Environmental Water. Biocontrol Science;5:117-120(2000)

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35.Risa Yonetani, Hisayoshi Ikatsu, Chizuko Miyake-nakayama, Eriko Fujiwara, Yoko Maehars, Shin-ich Miyoshi, Hideomi Matsuoka, and Sumio Shinoda. Isolation and Characterization of a 1,3-Dichloro-2- Propanol-degrading Bacterium. Journal of Health Science; 50:605-612(2004)

36.Chizuko Miyake-Nakayama, Sachiyo Masujima, Hisayoshi ikatsu, Shin-ich Miyoshi, and Sumio Shinoda. Isolation and Characterization of a New Dichloromethane Degrading bacterium, Ralstonia metallidurans, PD11. Biocontrol Science; 9:89-93 (2004)

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39.Chizuko Miyake-Nakayama, Hisayoshi Ikatsu, Minoru Kashihara, Masako Tanaka, Shin-ichi Miyoshi, and Sumio Shinoda. Biodegradation of dichloromethane by poly vinyl alcohol immobilized methylotrophic bacteria Ralstonia metallidurans PD11. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology;70:625-630 (2006)

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